Having a Will ensures that your estate can be distributed the way you wish.

Bellco Law can assist you in making a Will tailored to your individual needs. Our solicitors are skilled in preparing Wills for all types of estates, big or small.

To ensure your Will is legally enforceable a number of key requirements need to be met. In addition to these key requirements, important consideration also needs to be given to any life insurance or superannuation policies you may have.That is why it is important for your Will to be drafted by a solicitor with experience. Bellco Laws’ solicitors can explain to you what these key requirements are and help you formalise your wishes and ensure your intentions are realised.

By making a Will you protect the ones you love and free them from any financial worry at a time of emotional stress and bereavement.

Our solicitors are skilled in preparing Wills for both large and small estates. We can make sure that your estate plan leaves nothing to chance and your intentions are clear, saving your family from needless financial and legal problems.

It is very important to have a succession plan in place that makes the transition easy not only for yourself but also for your family or employees and minimises the chances of the business or farm having to be sold up when you leave.

When the time comes for your loved ones wishes to be carried out Bellco Law has the expertise to help and ensure the intentions expressed in the Will are carried out.

Professional services are essential in administering your Will, especially in these times of increased litigation and contesting. Our experienced team of solicitors will ensure your estate administration is undertaken efficiently and effectively so that your Will is clearly and easily understood by everyone.

For any will, estate or trust administration contact Bellco Law.